To get started:
- Launch and MESH app (*iOS only at this moment) on your phone or tablet. (Please make sure the MESH app is updated to the latest version.)
- Enable Bluetooth on your phone or tablet.
- Connect your phone or tablet to Wi-Fi.
- Connect the Raspberry Pi to Wi-Fi.
Please follow the following steps:
1. Tap the device icon on the MESH app dashboard to open the device menu.
2. Tap "Choose a different device."
3. Tap “OK” to connect the MESH app to a different device.
4. Tap "+ Add a new hub" on the Select a Device screen.
5. Tap “Start Setup” to being the MESH hub setup.
6. Sign into your MESH account.
7. Turn on the Raspberry Pi and launch the MESH app.
Note: The MESH Hub should be in Setup mode. Here is a guide to check the status of the MESH Hub:
8. Please follow the following steps to connect the MESH Hub via Bluetooth and setup the Wi-Fi
9. Create a name for the new MESH Hub. (Note: The name of the MESH Hub can be change later in the settings)
14. Congratulations, the MESH Hub setup is now complete!
Your MESH Hub is now ready for use. To get started, choose your MESH Hub in the device list and start managing your MESH blocks and recipes.
■MESH hub setup steps
- How to install MESH Hub app on a Raspberry Pi
- MESH Hub initial setup
- How to stop MESH Hub
- How to uninstall MESH Hub